Thursday, November 6, 2014

A real stitching day

Hey guys, it's great to see some activity on the blog, people commenting (sure it's not a lot lot, but it's something, and that's better than nothing. It puts a smile on my face), I get visits everyday and that makes me want to keep updating more and more!

Today has been a real stitching day; I've been in the sofa for hours stitching away. I've reached my first confetti spot, I thought I reached it earlier, but that's nothing like this spot. I've got about 23 colors in a 20x20 square, it's threads everywhere!

Working on the 25ct takes some time, with the small squares it sometimes feels as if I'm not making any progress at all, even if I stitch for several hours.
If you feel like me I strongly recommend that you start taking photos everytime you put down your work for the day. That way you can really see your progress. :)


  1. Hi Sandra, good to see you here.
    This is how you set up a link so people can "follow" you. Click "design" at the very top left hand side of your blog.
    Then under "new post" choose "layout"
    Then click on "add a gadget"
    A window will pop up with all of the neat things you can add. Then choose google + followers. This is new, so it will be slightly different than what I have on my blog, but it will allow other people to follow you.

    You can also follow others, and set it up so you can see, via a list on your own blog, when your friends have updated theirs.

    Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll try to help you out as best as I can. I've just farted around and discovered things by experimentation.

    Welcome to blogspot. There are tons of other blogs, you can find some on my own blog, and if you like them, you can follow them.

    I hope you have fun and I hope to see lots of lovely updates!

    1. Thanks for the help! I've set up a follow-button now, although it's for Google+ people only, atleast that's what I think? I'm a bit confused over all of this, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon :)

  2. You can also set up your own progress bar. I use This Word Metre on Critique Circle. To find your percentage, you divide how many stitches you've stitched by how many stitches are in the entire pattern. I find it easier to add them up at the end of each page.
    When working on a huge HaED you will find that your progress bar only goes up in increments. My last update was 8000 stitches and it only increased my progress bar by a mere 3%. But it adds up.
